Sunday, November 28, 2010

You come from so far! by Sanjeev Thakur

This is my second experience with YMAD. I was a translator in Chamba last spring and now I am here in Shalai. I was recently married and am so grateful to be having this experience! I am becoming such a better person because of it. There is such a strong bond of love that surrounds YMAD. It is amazing I live in a country that should be taking care of its own and yet you find a way to come from half way around the world and are able to impact the children here in a way we can not! I have had such an incredible experience working with the leaders and youth from America. Thank you YMAD!

1 comment:

David Lee Shaw said...

Sanjeev! glad to hear you are doing well and that you were married, also glad to hear you are still with YMAD, good luck!