The internet is not up yet, but I got a phone call from Robert letting me know that JoDee and all the kids made it! They arrived Sunday morning and drove the bus through the streets of Calcutta. I have been there, so I can only imagine what a culture shock that must have been. Robert said several of the kids were pretty emotional about what they saw.
They were received at Nishtha with open arms. The staff had prepared all facilities to accommodate such a large group. They held a candle ceremony for everyone that apparently was pretty inspiring. Then they had a birthday celebration for Sara and David's birthday that apparently involved a lot of embarrassing, and something about them now being married...
The kids were all so exhausted that they went to bed at nine. They are very excited to go to their village schools in the morning.
I will let you know as soon as I hear anything else!
Eden, thanks for the update!
Soooooo Awesome! Thanks Eden!!
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