The last week was definitely one of the best weeks of my life. I love it here so much. Right now we’re in the jungle at Sunderban, but I would way rather be back at Nishtha. Last week I got so close to the girls in our village school and at the day boarding school. It is so much fun to teach the girls and it is the best feeling when you know that they are understanding the stuff and are making progress. Sunday was our last day at the day boarding school, and saying goodbye was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I have to come back here some time to see them again. Everyday here is just a party and I’m having a great time. Mom and Dad I miss you but I’m having the time of my life. We only have a few days left here so I have to make the most of them. I’ll see you guys soon.
Dear Jacob,
It is the night before Thanksgiving and we are all here at Jacob. Everyone is asking about you. I don't know if you'll see this before you leave, but please know that we love you and are thinking about you and praying for you all the time. I can hardly wait to hear all about it. I love you and am so thankful for you. MOM
Dear Jacob,
I have sent prior comments, I am sorry that you have not received them. It is inspiring to watch you and the others work with those young women. It makes sense that you don't want to come home. Plan on an extensive debriefing I want to relive the experience with you. I hope you have taken lots and lots of pictures.
Get Back to Work!
Love, DAD
Dear Jacob,
I love that Mom and Dad are the only ones that EVER get shout outs as if they are the coolest and most valuable members of our family, which they clearly are not.
We miss you here. And I kind of have to hate you for being there since I have tried to get myself into a program like that for around five years and divine intervention(literally) has kept me from my calling every time. But I hope you know you are still going to South Africa with me this summer.
I love you, Bakob Cake. I talk about you all the time. Bring me something cool.
Hey Jacob... Sup...
Ha this is richie. Dude, im so jealous of all you guys right now. i bet you guys are having so much fun in India. you missed the MLS cup finals though, it was freakin sick. Real took it and Rimando got MVP, it was so dope. but anyways you better bring me back something tight. Have fun the last couple days.
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