Well we just got back to Nistha after being on what felt like an all day bus ride. We finished exploring the jungle after being there for 2 days and not seeing any tigers. Rather disappointing but we did get to see a crocodile and some monkeys. Oh and we did get to see some spotted deer. But the jungle was cool and the huts we got to stay in were nice (we got to have some hot water for our showers, even though the hot water was from a bucket it still was nice knowing hot water was somewhat accessible) But since it has been a while since I last blogged I would like to talk about the last day at the day boarding school.
We got to the day boarding school around 11 and we got to be with the kids right away. We didn’t have to teach any workshops and so we just got to play games with them. After the games the kids wanted to take a million pictures. Whether they were in the picture or if they took it, didn’t matter as long as they got to see it after. After that we had a big culture exchange/ goodbye. It was cool to see the girls dances and I think they enjoyed seeing ours. Then we had a huge spur of the moment dance party. Everyone danced and it was so fun. Then after we sang the I’m Yours song and it was a downfall from there. Everyone started crying because we all realized that it was goodbye. It was hard to say bye to them when they would come up saying your name begging you not to leave. Or asking you to come back again next year. It was definitely one of the hardest things I have done. Which is why I am nervous to go to our villages for the last time because we will have to say goodbye to them too. But as hard as it will be it will be nice to be heading home soon. I think we are all sick of curry and would like to eat some pizza or hamburgers… talk to you all soon!
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