Hey everyone. I am having the time of my life out here. The girls that we teach in the schools are awesome. I was kind of worried about teaching them and how I was going to do, but everything is going great and I’m having a blast. My favorite part about being here is definitely teaching the kids and just spending time with them and playing with them. It is super hot, but that’s the only downside of the trip so far. Mom and Dad I miss you but I really don’t want to come home because this place is too awesome. Everything is just so different here. I know this isn’t a lot of info, but I’m going to go do something else now because it is kind of a waste of time to blog in India.
Dear Jacob,
It is amazing to be here onthe Kaibab Plateau, with snow and pine trees and thinking about you in the steaming jungle. I love your photo and all those girls around you- do they remind you of our Navajos at all? I just showed Gmother the blog, we were both teary. I wish I was there. Is there any question that we are all Heavenly Father's children? I love you and think about you about every three minutes. MOM
HOMIE, ok first of all REAL WON THE MLS FINAL!! Sick huh... PKS against the Galaxy- hah stupid loosers. You should have seen it man Donavan skied his shot and our keep just played out of his head. It was an amazing game.
Second of all Matt Shipp wants you to be in his group for the dance coming up so get a hold of him when you get back. He wants to have diner at his house, ive been to their house for a dance before and it was fun.
K third of all i guess ill just eat enough turkey for the both of us. Oh were playing some ball too so ill dunk on Thomas and Daniels heads for you.
K get back to india.
See ya jake
I sent an earlier comment,I am sorry you did not receive it. I have followed your blog closely, it has been inspiring to see you and the others working with those young women. It makes sense that you do not want to leave. Plan on an extensive debriefing I want to relive the experience with you, I hope you have taken lots and lots of pictures. Get back to work!
Love, DAD
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