Wow things here are amazing! I am having so much fun doing everything. I love getting to know the school girls better and also the kids in YMAD. So much has happened and so I would am just going to talk about today. Today was fun because we got to take the girls from the boarding school to the science museum. Most of the girls have never been out of the city or even ridden a bus. So today we had three buses, 2 for the girls and 1 for us. Then for every 2 ymad kids, we each had 10 girls that we were in charge of for the day. We showed them all the display things (even though half of them were broken and so you would gather them around and say, “watch this” and then push the button and then realize that it did not work and so you just got their attention for no reason so you would just look kind of dumb) and then we saw the presentation they had there which was a big movie that they played on a huge dome. Since the girls had never seen a movie before they were amazed! Although it was in english so they didn’t understand it, they clapped after every scenery change and loved it! Then we had them go through a playground they had there and they loved playing on the swings and the teeter-totter. It was fun throughout the whole time, even just walking from place to place as they all fight to hold your hand. Everything else that has happened has been amazing and am excited to see be able to see all the girls again tomorrow. I miss everyone back home and love you all!
Yeah! I found you! (I think the blog address you left on the board wasn't right.) I saw Nate Jensen today at Angie's matinee, which went well by the way, and he told me that he had read your blog and that you were doing well. All of the SBO's were ushers at the matinee and were running around like crazy trying to help-they said they missed you. Angie did a great job in the play. Just for your info, the SLCC ticket got dismissed, your ACT score came (and no, we did not open it!) and I got all of your grad stuff turned in yesterday. I'll let Angie tell you about the soccer nightmare she is experiencing right now. All is well here. We love you and miss you a lot. Make the most of your time there! See you soon. Love, Mom and Dad
Hello! Wow ok it has been really weird not having you at home! I'm not quite used to it yet...but oh well. I'm happy that you're liking india! that's awsome! Here things have been going pretty good. I have got a lot of dumb stories to tell you when you get home! Oh i need to tell you about the soccer drama. Ok so chris got fired from impact, ya that was a little surprising! they fired him when there's only 10 days til our tournamnet so everyone was scared that billy was going to be our coach and they make this big fuss about it, ill tell more detail when you get back...but anyways, so the parents wrote impact a letter asking if chris could be the coach for the tournament and they said yes (sadly haha, i didn't want them to say yes cause then i couldve stayed home for thanksgiving and seen you some in, but oh well) so ya he is our coach for the tourny and then we get a new coach for spring season. and then after that i think my team might fall apart, then im done with that team. so ya soccer isn't going so good, ok no really all this kinda makes me happy! i can try new stuff now! Well today was the play and it was really fun! It actually turned out ok. We had to go the rest of the school day with our faces layered in stage makeup! ya no one really made eye contact with me...i think they just thought that's how i wear my make up! their faces were priceless haha. Ok well sorry ive just rambled and this is really long! See you soon! And i miss you alot! Have fun! Love, (im not sure if im supposed to put my name) well love your favorite sister hehe
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