What a crazy crazy past couple of days. Its been so fun! Time is seriously flying by. I can’t believe we are half way done with Thursday. It seems like just yesterday I was feeling awkward and uncomfortable driving through the city, which is only half true now haha. Yesterday we took the Day Boarding school girls to the science museum. Most of them haven’t been out of their villages at any time in their life so it was given they would be stoked. Mark Macey and I were assigned to 11 girls that were just adorable. One of them had an infected bug bite on her leg that made it hard for her to walk, it was so sad. We saw an IMAX film. It was a total eye-opener to me because the fact they were clapping about seeing waves, birds, planes, fish, etc. Made me know and realize I’m taking everything I experience in my life for granted. I never have a hand an arm not held by the little girls, I’ve never felt more love in my life! The food was great yesterday, we had a few meals with a break from curry. I’m def. craving a icy diet coke, is that wrong? Hahaha
Today we went to our village and did medical exams. They actually were pretty healthy which, is such a relief! A few of them had black spots on their tongues and mouths and a cavity here and there but besides that they were all in good shape. There are so many old women that want nothing but love it really just breaks my heart. They are all SO so grateful. We talked to some girls my age that were in school and they talked about how their parents don’t support them in schooling but the women of the village are so strong together that they don’t let the men’s drunken needs control them. Their dream is to continue with their education and I really want to make sure they are able to. I love it here!! The surroundings continue to shock me with the amount of water around everything. So beautiful! I can’t wait to continue on with the journey! I don’t want it to end. Love you all.
Ice cold coke???? Are you becoming corrupted?:)
What a great experience to take these sweet girls out of a place they have never left before. I keep thinking about the starfish story. There are soooo many opressed women in the world, but here are a few that may get a chance to live with opportunity and some freedom.
Keep writing.
BTW Eden. Kim's name is Kimi instead of Kimmi and last name is Rasmussen instead of Rassmusen if you get a chance to change it. No biggie if you can't. Thanks for all yo do.
Kim love,
I miss you. It was wonderful reading this. I am proud of you :)
XO Samantha R
Hi kim. That is sooo cool you get to experience all that. Keep writing, I love hearing your stories. I love you and miss you!!!!
don't forget me,
Kacee Patrick
We are glad you are having a great time. We can't wait to see you and hear more when you get home. Keep up the good work!
Cheryl Rasmussen
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