Saturday, December 3, 2011


I know I was supposed to go on this trip. So many things have happened that it would be impossible to say that destiny doesn't exist. I am amazed at a series of "coincidences" that have happened to me in India.

After I got accepted to YMAD and the Chamba expedition I had a conflict with some of the meetings. I was given the option to switch to the southern group so that the conflicts would work out. For whatever reason I could not bring myself to go to the south group. I just really felt like I needed to go with the north. I can't even say there was a specific reason of why I felt I should go north, I just knew I should. I sacrificed a big thing but I decided I was going to stay in the north.

YMAD has not been to Chamba in 3 years. Chamba is where both of my parents and my brother went. I didn't really think about how by chance I went to the same destination until I got there. My dad fell in love with a little girl named Bindu and wanted to adopt her. I remember when he got back he showed me pictures of her and told me she was the spitting image of me. For a long time I fanticised about having an Indian sister named Bindu. By the time I left to India I didn't really think about her or where I should go looking for her. But I didn't have to go looking for her. The first day we went to Temple orphanage I recognized her. I thought maybe it was her but it was so hard to tell. She was a lot older. I pushed it off to the side and thought it couldnt be. In the next few days I decided to ask her because it was bugging me so badly. She said she remembered Craig and Jenny. Another girl said that she remembered a man coming and wanting to take her back to the U.S. Once she said that I knew it was her. I was so excited I couldn't contain myself. After that we bonded immediately. She told me I was her best friend and I told her the same. I really meant it. She is my sister even though we didn't get the chance to adopt her. I am so grateful for the little time I got to spend with her.

This is the biggest example of my fate but there are so many other things. Having my dads journal entries there with me to guide me and help me has been amazing. I treasured my mom's advice and cried when I listened to My brother's experience through music. My leaders and all of my group members have changed me forever. They all have been such great examples to me. My smaller group at my school was the group I was meant to be in. Each person taught me so much. I was meant to go to Sahoo. The kids there taught me how to love. The thing is they love you from the moment you walk down that hill and they see you. They are examples to me. Each and everyone of them. I can't imagine what life is going to be like with out them in it anymore, but that small time I had with the them was the best time of my life.

I am extremely grateful for this journey. It's the best thing I have ever done. To my family and friends: thank you for all the love and support! I love you all so much and I miss you. I'm excited to see all of your beautiful faces.

Denali Hale

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