Monday, November 28, 2011

Genie Wish

Tonight was such a great night. We had the girls from the temple ashram come up to the NHPC. We watched Aladin and had dinner with us. I went to their ashram to pick them up. Each of these girls were so excited. The saw the cars aproaching and the smiles were ear to ear. I jumped out of the jeep to greet them and I had a dozen little girls huging me and pulling me into the car so that they could get to thier movie and to their YMAD friends. As I got my seat in the car one girl grabbed my hand and held on so tight. She would look at me then just squeze my hand and smile. She did not let go of her excited grip for the whole 25 minute drive. Then we joined up with all of the YMAD kids. We had popped popcorn and were ready to start. Megan and I had our little girl Saroj sit right in between us. It was like we were a little family watching the movie. Saroj would take tuns looking at Megan and I and smiling. It was a smile that would put warmth in your heart. As the movie went on she would lock arms with me or she would snuggle upto Megan and put her head on Megan's shoulder. This was such a great experience. We have Loved her form so many years and this was the closest that we have been with her. She is so excited everytime she sees Megan. I know that there is a language barrier but no word could express the feeling or love that was felt this night. In the movie we watched, Aladin gets three wishes. If I only had one wish, I would have wished that this night would never end.

We have had such an amazing expedition. I have been most impressed with the youth on this trip. They have been challenged and have stood up to the challenge. I wish the parents of these youth were here to see their kids in action. I have seen their hearts grow bigger and the light in them shine brighter that they thought possible. Megan and I are lucky to have such a great group. The leaders have been so neat to watch as they encourage the youth. They build them up daily. They have been a huge support to the youth and to us to make this trip fly by.

We send much love and full hearts from India.
Greg Davis


Susan Turner said...

So much gratitude towards you and Megan for guiding these great kids. Matt is so inspired by you. Thank you!

JoDee said...

I might have cried reading your blog when you were watching the movie with your little girl. Her smile is the best. You guys are the best.