I AM ALIVE AND HAPPY!!!! :D Don’t worry I am doing very well, actually great and loving it here!! I apologize for not blogging until now! I love you all. I am here, in India, Chamba to be precise. The traveling was long and it was difficult knowing what time it was, it was dark outside, then light… then dark. We arrived in New Delhi and it was very smokey and was like after 12 am! We stayed the first night in a house in New Delhi and I have been eating Indian food which isn’t bad! I’m very grateful for a good stomach and have been doing very good! I experienced Culture Shock yes, garbage in the streets, stray dogs and animals, and so much poverty. People will sleep in the streets and I want to help them. So on a great note I absolutely love the people here and EXPECIALLY the KIDS!! I met the Kids at my school Niham on Tuesday I believe!!! I was nervous beforehand but immediately fell in love with them. The cutest people in the world are those Children. I have had such special connections and bonding with them. I am learning their names and doing great with them!! I teach educational workshops and am loving it. The craziest thing is that there is only one real day left of being with the kids. Tomorrow we are going to go around to all of the schools and sing and dance. Then finishing our last day on Monday, way crazy and I don’t want to think about leaving the kids. I am having like reversed Cultural Shock for sure. I love it here and it never gets old and is gorgeous here. We also go to the Temple Austrum (Orphanage) and I love it there also, this little Girl Nisha, oh my goodness she is the sweetest and so darn cute. She will just hold my hand and we play games and it’s hard to describe the connection felt here, I imagine it could be like being a Father in a way. I love these Kids so much and want more than anything to see them succeed in life and be so happy. They are such a great example to me, they can live without luxuries we have in America like fresh tap water, indoor plumbing, fresh air, instant heat, etc, but they can smile and be happy. It’s so crazy and these kids are incredible, and humble. So much has happened and don’t worry I have wrote everyday in my journal. I hope all is going well back at home and that it continues to be that way!! J
P.S.- Happy Thanksgiving Mom hope your B-day it was way great!!
Jordan Biesinger
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