The Top Ten Things in India So Far

1. Meeting the three enthusiastic Indian men on the train to Panthakot who then tried for the better part of an hour to teach me Hindi and lets just say when I said goodnight it took another half hour because they were set on teaching me to say goodnight and I'm sleepy in Hindi.
2. Seeing my good friend Raj.
3. When I was urinating on the side of the road on our way to Chamba and barely dodged the car full of Indian men speeding around the bend, luckily for me Eden Rabdau was watching out for me.
4. Driving to Chamba and seeing the huge mountains and the abundant lush greenery.
5. Showering for the first time when we finally got to Chamba in the bucket shower and peeling of my ymad shirt that I had been wearing for three days of traveling.
6. Getting to know Rachel Rawlings and Hilari Balloonfield.
7. Meeting the girls for the first time on Sunday and trying to pronounce their names, Janbibi aka Bobby, Teslima aka Anew, Dipali, Sunita, Poonan, Lata and Indira.
8. Beating the local indian boys at the park in a game of Football(soccer) with a team of little girls mixed in with college kids.
9. Meeting my main man Vinayak and his family the Dhamis who helped make this whole trip to Chamba possible.
10. Having the dance party in the Yoga room with all of the girls and trying to teach them how to jerk.
Warren Porter
COULD NOT BE MORE JEALOUS WARREN! it sounds amazing... I am so proud of you for making it back again just like we all hope to someday :)
Tell Raj hi for me!
Miss you and can't wait to see you when you get back! Live it up!
Sounds awesome though I wonder if you had to mention the bodily function stuff. Im very proud of you and love you. Dad
Warren, I can't wait to hear about your adventures. Work hard and teach the girls a ton.
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