Coming into India I had no clue what to expect. I had no clue if I would find that favorite girl that I would do anything for. If we would feel like we made a difference. If I felt like I helped someone at all. In one week I found that favorite girl I would do anything for. We made a difference. I feel like not only did I help one person, but 25.
These girls have the most spectacular souls. Souls filled with pure joy. Souls filled with the desire to give and to love. Souls that I’ve never seen before.
I think sometimes we come into an adventure like this expecting to change these girls lives and to help them so much. Which we do. But in return they do the same. The girls live the most simple life style, one with no excess, even one without the essentials. It’s honestly one of the most humbling experiences I’ve ever had. So many of the girls either have a single mom who cannot afford to keep them at home or no parents at all. 25 girls live in a crammed “house” hardly big enough to hold a family of 4. Ceilings sit two inches above my head and mud floors are beneath me, beds made of wood with a dirty rug over the top is what they call home. No one deserves to live like this, especially these girls.
These girls have taught me a few very important things.
-How to be selfless.
-How to truly love someone for all they are. Flaws and all.
-How to devote your whole heart to service.
-To pay attention to the girls who has just peed herself. Also to not pick her up while playing soccer.
-They’ve taught me to smile and to laugh just because you can.
We were going to say goodbye today but it got postponed until tomorrow so we could celebrate India’s Independence Day with the girls. When Raj told everyone we didn’t have to say goodbye today the girls cheered and hollered. I can’t even begin to imagine what tomorrow will bring. Either way, India and the people of India have changed me yet again.
Eden Rabdau
I feel your pain and I'm not even there. I can't even imagine how hard saying goodbye would be. Cry hard and treasure this experience.
Love mom
I love this post... think I'll repost it on my blog... more people need to read it.
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