Just another day in paradise! Blake and I still have all of the YMAD kids accounted for, which is especially note worthy given the fact that we have now been on two over night train rides. So far everything has gone really well. No diarrhea, no malaria, no broken bones etc…
It was sad for the YMAD kids to leave their children that they have been working with. Lots and lots of tears from the Chumba children and the YMAD crew. (Yes Molly, I even cried) The YMAD kids are already figuring out a way to get back to India.They have all been amazing! Everyone has been a team player and they have become a tight group as they have all shared special moments together. I’m really going to miss seeing them every Sunday.
Our adult leades have been wonderful as well! Caitlin has done a wonderful job teaching the women about safe deliveries and baby cpr. The women adore her and always want us to stay and have “tea” with them, which we always do, No matter where you go in this world we are all the same. We just need somebody to sit and chat a while.
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