I never would have thought I could do so much stuff in such little time. We have done some of the hardest work that never felt like work, it’s amazing how that happens. Leaving the kids at Melah was hard but it felt right, we did all we could do for them. Although I was so sad leaving all of the people that I grew to love deeply, I knew that it was the right time to leave; but I do miss them terribly. I will forever think of them and all of the amazing things I learned from them. Since we left I have gotten to ride in GIANT balls and roll around, ride a horse, cross a river on a bucket bridge, go see the Taj Mahal, and have a real shower, which was very much needed. I still have so much to look forward to, I get to go shopping today, I get to ride an elephant and possibly a camel.
I don’t want to leave this place; I have fallen in love with the people, the culture, and everything in between. I am convinced everything is better in India, well almost everything. I had no idea I could have such strong feelings for a place I have only known for only two weeks. I feel homesick for a place I haven’t even left yet.
I came into this expecting to have an amazing experience, and those expectations were met plus so much more than I ever thought I would ever be able to get the pleasure of experiencing. I have seen so much happiness from people who have close to nothing, however I have also seen so much sadness and sorrow; but not nearly as often.
There is so much emotion in my heart, far too much to express, I don’t know if I will ever be able to explain how much love I feel for this place, especially Chamba. I know a good portion of my heart will always reside in Chamba.
Liz Bird
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