What an incredible time we all are having! I’m not really sure where to begin? The YMAD kids have been adorable with the children. The kids are constantly wanting to be hugged, and played with. There is so much LOVE you can feel in each orphanage. The weather has been beautiful! It does get hot at noon time, but you hardly notice the heat because of the amazing beauty of the landscape that is everywhere.
I’ve been going to the health clinics with Joslyn. We’ve been training the mid wife’s how to resisate infants. The women are so kind and they just want to learn everything they can. Most of the women we teach had no idea that you could get a baby to breath by blowing air into the babies mouth. They love receiving the baby delivery kits and new born kits. They all think I should have a white baby doll instead of a dark one, they just think that is so funny!
This experience we are all having is a once in a lifetime experience, and I knew it was going to be a great experience, but it’s so much more then I thought it would be.
Thank you Blake and Kelly and Eden and Robert! It is comforting knowing all of you are there helping, guiding, mentoring and I hope not feeling that you are "teen-sitting"! This has been so fun to see the team mature and grow together and as individuals!
hello kelly,your always smiling face and nature of welcome give moral boost to the coming personalities you are wonderful and great,hope you will remain intouch with YMAD and chamba,chamba people love you and wish all success of life God bless you all
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