So…. To most of the people in Shillai I am Shakira… a girl from the high school that we did the cultural exchange at told Nisha, our translator, that I looked like Shakira and I guess word got out in the village cause a couple days later a little girl came running up behind me screaming “SHAKIRA SHAKIRA!!!.... AUTOGRAPH PLEASE!” and handed me her notebook. It was the cutest thing, so I let her and a lot of the other people believe that I am Shakira haha.
It’s so indescribable though, everything that has happened in the time spent here. We left Shillai on Tuesday morning and I have to say that saying goodbye to the kids at my school was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Goodbyes are never easy, and this kind is even harder to explain. Those kids mean the world to me and I feel so lucky with the school and teachers I got to work with, everyone and everything in Shillai is amazing, even the spiders the size of my fist, the cow poop that you step in, and the food I’ve gotten sick from. I LOVE IT ALL! I just can’t even believe that what we came here to do is already over.. I want to go back to the beginning and do it all again, even the 14 hour flight. Mom and dad, I just might purposely get lost and stay here the rest of my life…. Just kidding. But really…. ANYWAYS.. there is so much I could say but I don’t even know how, and other people are waiting to blog…. oh but I did swim in the Ganges river, so incredible!
p.s. I want a fat, juicy cheeseburger so bad right now. K bye.
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