The world is much bigger than I originally thought or ever imagined. I have always thought that in order to travel to somewhere that could completely knock the air out of you, a shuttle from Kennedy Space Center would be a necessity. This superfluous theory has been proven wrong time and time again over the past few …how many days?
It is surprisingly relaxing to seldom know where I am, what time it is, or even what day it is. My withdrawal and the imaginary vibrations of my cell phone have almost disappeared by now, no better cure.
Kalsuin has provided much more fulfillment than anything else ever could. In one day I have held hands with more children, received more kisses, played more “duck, duck, goose,” and “hokey pokey”, and gotten my picture taken more times in one day than my entire life! (…mom and dad, I have taken more pictures this trip than my entire life!)
I would never have thought I would like it here, but I love it.
P.s. Vegetarians eat great here. I’m getting braver by the day as far as food goes.
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