Ten years ago In the community of Ghurdour India, an organization that promised great benefits and gave much hope to the lives of its community members was established. Unfortunately after many setbacks a brand new hospital and organization sat with much potential in the dust. For many in the community hope vanished, for others it has become a very long dream. Today due to major changes many are beginning to see a renewed sense of hope.
Ten years ago it was for a short period of six months that the Shambala hospital where we are actually at had a patient, due to lack of funding it had to close its doors and since then Shastra Society has been under a prolonged hiatus. This lack of activity has resulted in loss of trust and support from the community. It has put a blemish and a major hole into a cause that has so much potential.
For any humanitarian work to be successful, it needs to be supported by the community, and needs to be self sustainable. One of the major obstacles Shastra has faced in achieving this objective is itself. After many years in the post of president, self proclaimed “Dr. Wongmo” has decided that for the best interests of the society, change needed to happen.
One of the changes that has taken place is the appointment of a new local president, one who is committed to taking this organization to the next level. Now Shastra is committed to doing what it takes to become a community organization. This change is leaving many with renewed hope. Now in 2009, Shastra has partenered with Youth Making a Difference. The Home for Peace facility has been established and has begun with seven girls.
What some may have seen ten years ago as a great benefit to this community, has once again flourished and has come out of its long pause. This organization is already making a direct impact to the lives of seven local girls, and will continue to positively impact those around here. Change at times can be very hard, but in this case it is essential. Change has brought new hope, new opportunities and most important it has brought results.
Nefi Alarcon
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